CEBA requirements and deadlines have changed

  • As of October 26, 2020, eligible Canadian businesses that are currently operating through a personal bank account will be able to apply for CEBA.
  • All applicants now have until December 31, 2020, to apply for CEBA.
  • *COMING SOON* CEBA support is being expanded from $40K to $60K. This expansion will be available to all eligible previous and new CEBA applicants. Stay tuned to the CEBA website for more details, including launch details in the coming weeks.

If you have already applied for CEBA and have questions, please contact the CEBA Call Centre at 1-888-324-4201. An agent will return your call within 3 business days between Monday and Friday from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm EST and can address the following types of questions:

  • What is the status of my application?
  • Why was my application declined?
  • Why was my submitted document rejected?

Program to Date

Number of businesses approved for CEBA loans:

Total funds approved for CEBA loans:
$30.97 Billion