Applications are now open for WSIB’s 2021 awards
Small business owners and operators work hard to keep their employees healthy and safe – WSIB understands that, and that’s why they give out their Small Business Health and Safety Leadership Awards.
Each year they recognize the health and safety achievements of independently owned and operated businesses with fewer than 50 employees.
This year they invite small businesses to tell them about their unique health and safety success story from 2020. We know it’s been an incredibly difficult year that’s affected small businesses in countless ways, and they want to recognize all of the efforts made – whether they’re big enhancements or small changes – to improve workplace safety and help your employees and customers feel confident and safe.
The top three businesses will receive a monetary prize: $5,000 (gold), $3,000 (silver), $2,000 (bronze), and be recognized at a WSIB awards ceremony in November. The gold winner will also feature in a promotional video – like this one from last year, which will appear on their website and social media channels.
Applications are due by July 9, 2021 so don’t delay.
Who can enter
- Entrants must be registered with the WSIB and have an account in good standing (i.e. all premiums and other amounts owing to the WSIB are paid up-to-date, no convictions, good claims history).
- Businesses entering the awards must be independently owned and operated and have at least one employee (not including the owner/operator) but less than 50 employees.
- During the life of their business, applicants must not have:
- Any fatalities in the workplace
- Any convictions by the Ministry of Labour, Skills Training and Development for violations to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and its regulations or the Employment Standards Act (ESA)
- Past winners are not eligible to re-apply for five years.
How to apply
2. Along with the application form, WSIB invites you to submit supporting information such as photos, videos, signage, certifications, etc. that help to explain why you should be recognized as a small business health and safety leader.
3. Create a zip file with the completed application form PDF plus any supporting files and upload it. Please submit one file only with a 140MB limit.
To create a zip file on a PC:
- Save your application and supporting files in one folder
- Include your company name in the folder name
- Check to make sure your folder doesn’t go over the 140MB limit
- On a PC:
- Right-click that folder, select “send to”
- Select “compressed” folder
- A new zipped folder will be created
- On a MAC:
- Right-click or control-click that folder
- Select “Compress”
- A new zipped folder will be created
4. Once you’ve filled out your entry form, gathered your supporting files and created your zip file, please fill out this short form, click the “upload file” link and follow the prompts.
For more information
Email: [email protected]