A business name is what the business owner/owners have decided to call their company to identify it. All businesses that operate under a name, other than the owner’s, must register their business name and businesses must renew their business name registration every five yearsYou can register a business name here. It costs $60.00 to register a business.

A business number is a number the Canada Revenue Agency assigns your business as a tax identifier for HST, payroll deduction, import/export. To get a business number, you can contact the Canada Revenue Agency by phone at 1-800-959-5525, mail, fax, or register for a Business Number online. If you choose to register by mail or fax, you will have to fill out Form RC1, Request for a Business Number (BN).

To complete this form, you will need to know:

  • the name of the business,
  • its location,
  • its legal structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation),
  • its fiscal year-end, and
  • an estimate of your business’s sales.
  • SIN


The CDC can help you register a business name or register for a business number and HST. To book an appointment, call 705-325-4903 x101 or email [email protected]